Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Announcing 1st event @Appyayan...Pl. step in

Hi freinds!! Announcing The first event @Appyayan...
After spending more than one year in blogging world, I participated in most of the events which was very helpful for me learning new possibilities with one vege or fruit. But I noticed all the events are on veges or fruits or grains..all of these are very important part of our diet. May be we forgot or ignored another important part of our diet(non-veg diet).......Fish. Suppose the reason behind it is the number of vegetarian bloggers are more than non-vegetarian bloggers. So I want to put the spotlight on FISH through this event.....So the name of my event is

As many of you know, I am a bengali who love to eat fish, I'm not an exception either. But I am not too good at cooking fish. Fish is one of the most delicate thing to cook. I want to learn authentic regional recipes from all over India and the World. This is the reason I thought of this event....hope you all will share your regional fish recipes with me and I think this event will be a great help for many of us who loves fish.
Why Fish is important in our diet?
Fish is one of our most valuable sources of protein. World wide, people obtain about 25% of their animal protein from fish and shell fish. The American Heart Association recommends eating at least two servings of fish a week. Including fish in your diet can promote better health and weight loss because fish is low in fat and calories.

Fish and fish oil contain two fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The major dietary sources of these two fatty acids, are fish and shellfish, which is from both salt water and fresh water.

Many of the studies about beneficial omega-3(DHA+EPA) fatty acids focus on fish as the primary source. Omega-3 fatty acids are very important for normal growth particularly for the blood vessels and the nerves as well as keeping our skin and other tissues youthful and supple. Research studies have revealed that in populations that consume large quantities of fish, with a high utilization of Omega3s, there is a reduced risk of heart disease.

Salmon, sardines, tuna and even shellfish are rich in omega-3 fatty acid content. They are good for lowering the fat in your blood and protecting against cardiovascular disease. Fish in general is a great low-fat way of adding protein to your diet. It has been found that DHA plays an important role in nervous system and eye development in the foetus therefore pregnant women should surely consume it. But before comsuming fish, research on which fish is high on mercury and avoid them totally. Fish like cod, haddock, tilapia, flounder and trout are low in fat and in mercury as well.

o freinds, put your apron on and share your favorite regional fish recipes with me or it can be your own creation .. any fish that you love..please make sure to write down from where this recipe belongs if it is an authentic one...So the success of this event is on your hand..expecting a lot from you all :))
The rules of the event :
1. Prepare any kind of fish dish in any form(cooking/baking) and Post your recipe from now on to the end of August, i.e the deadline is August 31st, 2009.
2. In your post, don't forget to link it to this announcement(for this link URL, click on the title of the post) and feel free to add the logo which is made especially for this event. You can also send me posts from your archives, but make sure to repost it with the link to the event and the logo. 3. No restriction to the number of entries.
4. Non-bloggers too can participate by sending their entries with recipe details and picture to my e-mail and I will add them in the round-up.
5. The entries sent to this event can be sent to other event.6. You can send the entries to indranidh(at)gmail(dot)com, subjest as Spotlight : Fish, with the following details,
Your name:
Blog name:
Recipe name:
Region/place it belong(if known) or as your creation
Recipe URL:
Attach a photo of 300 pixels
Send in your entries on or before 31st August, 2009..round-up will be published the following week after the deadline. For further doubts or queries about the event, send me a mail to the above mail address.
Waiting for your creative entries..............Thanking you all blogger friends for your continuous support and love


Sharmila said...

Hmmm ... onekdin maach khawa hoyeni ... ekhon mone hocche ekbar ante hobe. :-)
Will try to send something. :-)

Indrani said...

thanks sharmila for your support

Unknown said...

ummm nice event and great theam will try to send some.

Hari Chandana P said...

Happy Hosting dear!!

Tulip said...

Hi, first of all, I want to thank you for such a nice blog. I have been following this for last few months and also made some dishes, one that i remember is Dhokar Dalna :)

I have started blogging very recently and just came to about your event. I have posted my first recipe today, let me know if that could be sent for your event. :)

Lakshmi said...

Happy hosting Indrani. Good Luck

Indrani said...

Thanks, Rk, HC, San's blog & LG...looking forward to your participation

Suparna said...

Happy Hosting the wonderful event!!
Have fun!!

Me & More ... said...

Hmm....anek din por akta nijer moto event pelam... Thanks for hosting.. Hope I am also in your Event... :)

Meera said...

As a devout fish lover, I have to take part in this event. I will surely send one or two or even more entries. Hope it's ok!!!:-D

Trupti said...

Hey Indrani, sorry for late reply. I added ur event in my list.

Indrani said...

thanks, suparna
@pinky, off course you're in
@Meera, It's more than ok...expecting loads of entries from u
Thanks a lot, Trupti

Soma said...

Maach praye khawa i hoye na.. kintu miss kori.. dekhi ei shujoge odi kichu korte pari;-)

Parita said...

Happy hosting dear, sorry wont be participating as m veggie :)

shaista said...

check ur inbox for my entry and do visit my blog sometime..

Tulip said...

Thanks for your comment in my blog :) Will send my entry after a few days.
~ Tulip ( earlier San's blog)

Unknown said...

Lovely theme. Happy hosting.

Unknown said...

Hey thanks for the info about the vaazhaipoo..

Sudeshna said...

I'll be glad to send you some of the fish recipes, I'll update my posts and send it to you.

Sudeshna said...

Hi Indrani,
Just sent you three recipes for the event. Hope you like them. Will be waiting for the roundup. All the best

Valarmathi Sanjeev said...

Hi Indrani,

I have sent my entry.

~G said...

Wow! This is the first time I am seeing an event dedicated to sea food.
Although there is very little time left, I will make sure my entry reaches you. :)

My Kitchen Antics said...

Hi Indrani...this is my first time on your blog and im lucky i caught the event just in time. Im an amateur blogger and so this will be my first ever event im participating in.
Shall send you the entry asap.

Anonymous said...

Great event for fish lovers like sending one today itself Indrani..first time here..missed you so far..thanks

Soma said...

mailed you mine:-) didn't forget;-)

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